For individual who is a member of the Hoverclub of America. This registration includes one T-shirt, a ticket to the Opening Reception, and a ticket to the Annual Awards Dinner. Additional T-shirts are available for purchase separately. They can be ordered with your registration. T-shirts and other swag will be available on site, but inventory will be limited.
Save $10 when you bring a friend. For current members who would like their guest to also receive a t-shirt. This registration includes two T-shirts, and two meal tickets to the Annual Awards Dinner. For larger groups, additional guest registrations only include a meal ticket. Additional T-shirts are available for purchase separately. Children 10 and under are free.
For anyone who is not currently a member of the Hoverclub of America. This registration includes one T-shirt, and one meal ticket to both our Opening Reception and Annual Awards Dinner. Additional T-shirts are available for purchase separately.
This registration is for High School or College collage students bringing a hovercraft to the event. This registration includes a t-shirt and dinner access. Hoverclub membership is not required, but proof of school attendance is required at the event. Additional guest registrations only include dinner access.